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Animal activist Anita Krajnc: Thug, buffoon or both?

Anita Krajnc has been arrested multiple times for incidents involving pigs that are being transported to slaughter.  While wanting to prevent pigs, chickens or other animals from suffering is a noble cause, when a person’s actions to get that point across break the law and become a drain on legal system resources, perhaps things have been taken too far. And being a nuisance to law enforcement officers and the court system appears to be just what Canadian animal rights activist and Toronto Pig Save co-founder Anita Krajnc has done. Krajnc recently went on trial for criminal mischief charges for allegedly giving water to pigs in a truck that were headed to slaughter. She was asked by the driver to stop, but she did not. Some may wonder what harm that did. According to a Tornoto Sun opinion piece written by Keith Warriner, University of Guelph food science professor, Krajnc posed a threat to food safety. Canada, as well as other countries, has strict food safety regulations that are designed to prevent any cross contamination of ingredients, while ensuring no external agents come in contact with the production line. Doing something as simple as giving pigs headed to slaughter water violates those food safety regulations.

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Watt Ag Net