The Jake Flake Travel Scholarship
Jake Flake of Arizona was a founding board member of
State Agriculture and Rural Leaders and an attendee at every
Agriculture Chairs Summit. Senator Flake served as host and
for 2006
Summit, held in Tempe, Arizona. As a state legislator since
1997, Jake
served as Speaker of the House in 2003-2004 and was elected to the
Senate in
2005 where he chaired the Natural Resources and Rural Affairs
Senator Flake was one of the Legislature's last cowboys, running cattle
on his
family's F Bar Cattle Co. his entire life. In recognition of his
lifelong commitment
to agriculture and his dedication to SARL and its mission, the Board
created the Jake Flake Memorial Travel Scholarship.
This award will provide travel funds for a first time attendee to the Legislative Agriculture Chairs Summit. Nominees must be an active or retired rancher or farmer in the legislature and be an advocate for agriculture and rural community issues. To be considered for the award, a legislator must be on the agriculture committee, the committee that oversees rural development or in chamber leadership. SARL members and chamber leadership are encouraged to nominate fellow legislators for this prestigious honor.
To apply or nominate someone for the scholarship, please submit a nomination form, available for download here.